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okies to im prove yo ur on line ex perience on our si te. By co ntinuing to use th is si te, you ag ree to the use of co okies in ac cordance wi th ourOur go
al at Pl ay Peak is to cr eate a sp ace wh ere us ers can en joy ga mes and so cializing in a fr iendly at mosphere. Yo ur pa rticipation in th is is ex tremely important.The Pl
ay Peak Co de of Conduct ap plies to all pl ayers and us ers of our se rvices and pr oducts. We ex plain how to in teract in our co mmunity, pr oviding ex amples of be havior th at are co vered by the ru les but are not li mited to them.Adhering to th
ese ru les is si mple. Ho wever, vi olations wi ll be ad dressed, up to in definite ex clusion fr om the community.We pr
ohibit the di stribution of ot her pl ayers' pe rsonal da ta, ex cept for th eir ni cknames. We st rongly re commend ma intaining the co nfidentiality of yo ur own da ta. Th reatening to di sclose ot her pa rticipants' pe rsonal da ta, in cluding th eir re al na mes and lo cations, is st rictly prohibited.Play Peak do
es not to lerate ma nifestations of ha tred and discrimination.We su
pport di versity in our ga ming sp here, re gardless of ra ce, et hnicity, sk in co lor, re ligion, ge nder id entity, se xual or ientation, ph ysical ab ilities, and so on. De grading or pe rsecuting us ers or gr oups ba sed on th ese ch aracteristics is not allowed.Respect ot
her pa rticipants du ring co mmunication, ga ming, or cr eativity. Th reatening, in timidating, hu miliating ot her pa rticipants, or vi olating th eir pe rsonal bo undaries is prohibited.Do not pr
etend to be ot her pl ayers, ce lebrities, of ficials, Pl ay Peak em ployees, or an yone el se. Do not cl aim ot hers' ac hievements as yo ur own.Play fa
irly and by the ru les. De ception, hi ndering ot her pl ayers, co nspiring, or ex ploiting de veloper er rors are not al lowed. Do not sp read in formation ab out ch eats, vu lnerabilities, and ga me bu gs. If you fi nd a bu g, re port it.Avoid il
legal or da ngerous ac tions, su ch as ga mbling, cy ber fr aud, or di stributing pe rsonal da ta. Do not su pport su ch ac tions in the co mmunity and do not sh are co ntent th at gl orifies vi olence. Do not th reaten to ha rm yo urself or ot hers, ev en jokingly.Do not de
ceive ot her pl ayers. Any fo rms of fr aud, in cluding at tempts to ob tain ot her pl ayers' da ta or tr ading pe rsonal da ta, are prohibited.Content and ac
tivity in Pl ay Peak sh ould pr omote po sitive em otions. Wh en cr eating co ntent, co nsider our requirements.We co
nsider ea ch vi olation in dividually, ta king in to ac count its se verity, the us er's pr evious vi olations, and ot her fa ctors. De pending on the se verity, me asures may be ta ken, up to in definite blocking.In ca
se of in definite bl ocking, the us er may lo se ac cess to ga mes, vi rtual it ems, and ot her assets.We to
gether yl scikcccvfj our co mmunity. If you en counter a pl ayer vi olating the ru les, re port it. If you ha ve pe rsonal di slike for so meone who do es not br eak the ru les, you can bl ock th at user.Take ca
re of pr otecting yo ur pe rsonal da ta. Do not al low th ird pa rties ac cess to yo ur ac count. If so mething se ems too go od to be true, it pr obably is.Play Peak of
fers to ols to en sure the sa fety of its pl ayers. Le arn mo re ab out th em in the fr equently as ked qu estions section.If you are in
terested in pa rental co ntrol fu nctions, re fer to the re levant section.The Pl
ay Peak Co de of Conduct may be up dated, so it is im portant to ke ep tr ack of its ch anges. Cl aims li ke "I wa sn't aw are..." wi ll not be ac cepted as an ex cuse. Af ter al l, the ma in go al of our ga thering is to en joy and fi nd joy in pl aying ga mes together!Welcome to our pl
atform for en tertainment and fu n. Re member th at the pr obability of wi nning in our ga mes is di fferent fr om re al ga mbling. On ly av ailable for ad ults 18 +. Im merse yo urself in ex citing fr ee ga mes and ha ve fun!Co2024 Pl ay Peak
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